Hand Balancing Canes Kit for advanced and handbalancing guru.
1 Foldable base, 3 canes, 3 sockets and 3 blocks are included into the kit.
You can customize it on request ( add or remove sockets, canes, request specifi colour)
Foldable base are 80cm in diameter, you can request custom diameter.
Wooden block is made of solid wood for the best grip.
Block measurements: 14cm x 9cm and are 4cm thick.
Handstand block comes with installed flange.
Canes are made from stainless steel or steel with tapered end to fit the socket of the cane.
Each socket and flange are made from single piece of steel or stainless steel.
All meausrements are based on suggestions of professional handbalancers from Cirque du Soleil.
Amazing performance by Cirque du Soleil performer Svetlana Belova on our canes!!!
Canes height : choose from 50 and 70cm or tell us preferred height.
Canes material : choose from steel or stainless steel (Choice of metal below)
Stainless steel are mirrow polished.
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